
Sunshadow Mask Heriwuja

Wormhole Traffic Controller Z'lingzort

Super Leaping Pest Nagiboz

Automutation Crystal Vitanex

Extraplanetary Onslaughter Draggonsk

Cosmo-Driller Gosperhedris

Star-Ring Being Igika-Seijin

Local Beach Monster Suwashi-Suwashi

Computer Familiar Maxixeon

Shopping Phantasm Clairavoon

Biospheric Protection Sponge Krin'g'jin

Transforming Doombeast Jaenarzis

Ultimate Reheater Pyrendoros

Despondent Hell House Heruhasu

Corrupt Party Host Nexper

Not-Ready Lizard Jyadiran

Monster Car Abtushis

Etherian Magnizor Trambeonica

Hyperbolic Amplificater Zatsenahzin

Harbinger Of Melodic Causation Shanja

Biograft Mongrel Frinpy

Ginga Roller Sarabemu

Anti-Bump Beast Pradiac

Neural Manifestor Denegross

Space Battle Fanatic Binopo

Platitude Presenter Gilaekom

Megaboosted Overevolver Kerebojuga

Newsfeed Juggler Baysuwichu

King of Ruins Nerkazenki

Mechaplastic Nightmare Experonga

Extra Box Spirit Spoopia

World Freezer Febikon

Thespian Interloper Pregemintsk

Questioning Nomad Keniyepta

Never-Promoted Employee Sklibmok

Synthesizing Patrician Horondipylus

Glorious Functionary Kremedonce

Exposition Obliterator Kamitanz

Hallucination Mutant Dargiwabbera

Lunar Wave Transfer Beast Mikagrobus

Consort Of Imperious Delirium Koida

Pranking Glob Golem Yoffin

KAIJU BATTLE! Tinselator Vs Brassicadon!

Living Psyche-Bank Ommabix

Super Galaxy Collider Gordregaon

Gravity Apostle Nemquisus

Forever Doominoid Reptiroc

Time Hunter Beast Brejerion