Sky Child Tyrephidin

People protest the advent of a new hypersonic aircraft that reportedly causes damage to the clouds, when the aircraft leak toxic particles into the upper atmosphere. One pilot (whose father invented the technology) is determined to prove the machines are safe and plans a big airshow. The monster Tyrephidin appears from the sky and everyone blames the environmental damage. After research, it is revealed that the monster was growing in the ionosphere all along and would have attacked anyway, even much larger, and the 'toxic particles' actually caused it to emerge earlier (and far weaker)  After being vindicated as an unknown hero, the pilot must sacrifice himself by flying into the monster.

Sky-Slide: swims through sky like a serpent and avoids attacks
Sky-Spiral: emits gas spirals from body that cause confusion to attackers
Ground-Mode: uses legs to grab onto ground and becomes 10x more powerful