Island Monarch Suteimuzu

People all over the world receive coupons for a free trip to the tropical Island of Ifif, As they arrive, they discover a vacation paradise filled with every luxury, and never want to go home. Soon, the world slows down as so many have left their work and daily life. When a tiny thing goes wrong with a vacationer's drink order, the perfect paradise releases the kaiju Suteimuzu, who goes on mad spree of destruction. It is revealed that Suteimuzu is a monster that takes the form of a tropical vacation island to lure victims so it can gain life-force energy.

Xylo-Vibe: uses hands to strum its neck and create a musical sound to calm down the population
Island Chariot: glowing eyes can cause the entire floating island to move across the ocean
Explosive Grasp: uses two head horns to 'stab' into buildings, lift them up,and cause them to explode