Demon Principal Jarasumarutu

The world becomes overrun with Imps from the Netherealm, small demons that influence and seek to control everything as part of their Great Class Assignment. The kaiju Jarasumarutu comes out of its Nethervator (a giant elevator that takes him to the surface world) and stalks across the planet, checking the Imps' progress. When he finds an Imp that has done especially well, he transforms it into a Giga-Imp, a super-powered warrior version that can operate in the daylight. After he promotes 100 of them, he will choose one to be Ultra-Imp that is responsible from the entire planet. Then Jarasumarutu will return down on the Nethervator.

BattleDrills: can hold enemy and use small drills against it
Full-Thrash: can whip head around to cause great damage
Jarasu-Beams: rear eyes can fire energy beams that cover an opponent with Imps
Sky-Walk: can walk upwards into sky