During the dark, desperate days of the Apocalypse, the monster Veezeeyahora gathers the terrifying, tortured experiences of the remaining survivors and transmits those thoughts and feelings back through time, into the minds of those sleeping in the present day, resulting in what we call nightmares
Thought Gathering: collects experiences from desperate minds
Thought Warp: transfers collected experiences into past, sleeping minds
Energy Bite: extends neck and bites with energy venom
During the dark, desperate days of the Apocalypse, the monster Veezeeyahora gathers the terrifying, tortured experiences of the remaining survivors and transmits those thoughts and feelings back through time, into the minds of those sleeping in the present day, resulting in what we call nightmares
Thought Gathering: collects experiences from desperate minds
Thought Warp: transfers collected experiences into past, sleeping minds
Energy Bite: extends neck and bites with energy venom