After the monster Yoonbuts is defeated during its rampage in an art museum, it lands in the Ghost Zone and is approached by the yokai Maddadun, a spirit of under-appreciated artwork. The creature fuses with Yoonbuts and revives in the real world to attack the elite Art Snob Planet (where only one piece of art is allowed on the planet at a time)
Psycho-Thrash: flails arms wildly to destroy in the blink of an eye
Ghost-Bungee: screams and jumps into hosts to control them
FreakOut Hair: screams and extends hair to frighten away enemies
After the monster Yoonbuts is defeated during its rampage in an art museum, it lands in the Ghost Zone and is approached by the yokai Maddadun, a spirit of under-appreciated artwork. The creature fuses with Yoonbuts and revives in the real world to attack the elite Art Snob Planet (where only one piece of art is allowed on the planet at a time)
Psycho-Thrash: flails arms wildly to destroy in the blink of an eye
Ghost-Bungee: screams and jumps into hosts to control them
FreakOut Hair: screams and extends hair to frighten away enemies