Unexpected Phantom-Beast Revaizamonga

The Demonic Computer known as Mefirax decides to subjugate the many planets of the Korzwax System, by using its massive Data-Realizer program to revive giant monsters based on data from past monsters that had been defeated. The galaxy's supposed 'kaiju expert' Gonmorax, who is on his way to a convention,  is captured and brought in to supply the data for Mefirax' plan. However, Gonmorax has become old and his memory filled with holes, so the attempts to revive the most feared and powerful monsters result in a totally random, incomprehensible beast.

Unexpected Tail: tail gets very long and can perform surreal attacks
Bizarre Vapour: breathes strange gas that 'twists' an area into nightmarish zone
Phantom-Strike: all 4 tentacles fire a combined  energy attack