Shipping Mishap Horumstar

A depressed astronaut travels to a desolate desert-like world with empty towns and an eerie wind. He finds a wooden box in the middle of a street and ponders about its contents. When he tries to open the box, he is sucked inside to a strange mini-dimension where the creature Horumstar resides. The creature explains that its people only travel by being shipped across the galaxy, in these boxes. They have developed an elaborate automated shipping system, but sometimes there is a glitch, and packages get lost. Horumstar is in such a lost package. The astronaut tries to help the creature escape, but it warns it can only be unpacked at the correct destination or else something horrible will happen. The astronaut tries anyway, and when Horumstar is unpacked, he is driven mad by being in the wrong place and grows to kaiju-size.

Head-Trick: if removes head turns into giant explosion (then reforms)
Wire-Walk: summons giant wires and walks on top of them above enemies 
Horum-Blast: puts hands together to fire deadly energy blast