Dichotomous Brain Beast Eztahorus

Eztahorus Trading Card

Eztahorus is a creature with its main neural system split into two brains, each one carried in its claws. One theory is that the two brains are split over left and right brain functions. Another is that each is the same and the creature has double brain power as a result. 

Babylon-Beam: eyes fire beam that causes languages to mix up
Double-Brain-Spark: clashes two brain rocks together, causes energy spark that dazzles opponents
Tail-Stand: can stand on tail and perform special attack moves 

ALSO: See Turbotic Genius Variant by artist Randy Shilling 

Eztahorus is one of the kaiju in Wave 1 of the Hyper Battle Fight Kaiju game.
Using its Double Brain to outwit enemies with clever attacks, Eztahorus bides its time until it can do its infamous Tail Stand and unleash a volley of deadly kicks