RRP Titan Great Lufton-Seijin

An alien race that created a unique  Bio-System to conquer planets, the Lufton-Seijin genetically wired each member of their species to have a nervous system that was also a manufacturing template. When  Luftan combine in any number, their nervous systems combine and the templates merge to create something new. Just one pair of Luftan can combine to create a powerful gadget, for example. When two special Luftan combine to create a Rapid Reproduction Printer, they are able print an entire army of themselves. When the entire army combines, they create the kaiju Great Lufton-Seijin, which can also spit out fleets of UFOs.

UFO Spit: emits fleets of UFOs from its 4 head lenses
Infinity Nerves: nervous system can repair itself at any time
UFO Form: can turn into a UFO, to blend in the countless other ones it created