Triple Unblinker MetaKaiju DaiREM

- From the Starcade Project - concept by Robert Christina -
A Metakaiju is an extremely humongous monster far bigger than any normal kaiju
DaiREM is a monstrous creature that floats through space with its three eyestalks continuously looking at everything. The monster is attracted to visually exciting action, fast-moving objects and hectic environments. DaiREM approached Starcade and loved 'what it saw', so it remained in orbit.
The Starcade Astral Engineers built an entire moon around the beast, with giant, deep channels to allow the eyestalks to continuously slide over the moon along all three axis. To keep the Metakaiju happy, the Starcade Project ensured that everything on the moon's surface would be nonstop, never-ending action. From the second you step down on the surface, you become immersed in a endless stream of action.
This moon exists in orbit around the Starcade planet, and is known as the Action Moon (one of the twelve Moons Of Chance)