Biologically Continuous Gleema-Seijn

A strange alien species with a very short lifespan of only 10 minutes. When an individual 'fades' (dies), it is immediately replaced by another of its kind, because the entire race is linked by a Biological Continuum. This Continuum means that all members of the species exist as individuals AND as part of a group organism. The effect is that a Gleema seems to change its entire identity every two minutes.

Swish Arms: moves arms in strange fashion to distracts enemies
Brain-Beam: emits laser from head
Hypermind: can think 100x faster than anyone else 

The cells of the Gleema organisms are linked on a quantum level, where they can exist in multiple locations simultaneously, across all time and space. The Gleema do have individual identities and personalities (for ten minutes!) and only 'share' via this cell system, not a group mind' per se.

The Gleema evolved on Collapsing Star. As their homeworld (Gleema Star) condensed over the millennia, the free-floating quantum cells that were created on Gleema Star developed into lifeforms., always separate creatures but linked via the Biological Continuum.

The Gleema-Seijin have always had that inate sense their world was shrinking and would one day implode. They created exotic, gaseous, ever-moving, tendril-like 'structures'. They enjoyed the sense of the ephemeral. An observer getting close to the star would start to notice the incredibly intricate tendril forms of gas covering the surface. The Gleema studied the start system around them and kept records using Deep Stasis molecules, so cold that they retain a reliable structure. Their science, philosophy and art are hidden within these special molecules that can be retrieved from their large heads or stored in Deep Stasis Banks on the homeworld.

The Gleema-Seijin learned to vibrate their bodies to use their inherent free-floating quantum nature to achieve faster-than-light travel. Without any machines, they can slip through FTL. This is risky, however, as it is possible to become disconnected from the Biological Continuum. If this occurs, a Gleema will fade forever once its 10-minute limit is reached.

If a Gleema becomes too warm, any Deep Stasis molecules within its head will start to melt. This means that their knowledge, skills, and beliefs will start to fade. If this becomes extreme, the Gleema will become violent and instinct-driven, until it's next 'life' happens.