Fusion Morpher Styrne

A super-powerful nuclear plant was designed to be sentient, so it could be most effective at protecting itself and producing the most energy. This meant that a large staff needed to keep the plant happy and proud all day, and make sure it didn't become depressed or even suicidal. Unfortunately, very bad weather caused the sun to become covered in clouds, and the sky was gloomy for weeks. This made the plant sad. In response it created the kaiju Styrne to fly up to the sun and increase the solar energy. Before it could fly, however, the monster needed to gather courage from the population by absorbing their bravery, making people become cowards.

Fusion Morph Gun: giant cannon fires radioactive beam that rearranges molecules in a random way
Bendy Legs: hobbles uncomfortably across the ground on its rubbery 'loopy' legs
Catch Ring: upper 'arm ring' can be used to lasso opponents